Introducing the Annual Visit Program

National Care Advisors is excited to announce the new Annual Visit Program specially designed to help you track and conduct regular visits for your special needs and eldercare clients.
The Challenge:
We know that Special Needs Trust documents often explicitly recommend or require trustees and fiduciaries to provide annual reviews and assessments of the trust beneficiary. To assist you in mitigating trust administration risk in an efficient and fiscally responsible manner on a regular basis, that is both comprehensive and well documented, the Annual Visit Program is now available!
The program provides telephonic and in person Case Manager assessments that produce the following:
- A detailed report outlining communication with the client, observations of their current quality of life situation, and confirmation of benefits maximization
- Recommendations specific to the best interests and benefit of the client, within the scope of available resources
- Objective professional assessment designed to provide a road map for the coming year for the trustee or fiduciary
- File documentation in compliance with the intent of the trust document
How it works:
- Provide NCA with a list of your clients that require annual visits
- We will reach out to you prior to the requested visit as a reminder and to confirm the focus for the annual assessment
- Our consultant will conduct a telephonic or in person annual visit as authorized
- NCA will provide a detailed written report documenting the assessment and any recommendations
Sign up now:
Contact your NCA business development representative or and provide the following information:
- Client name(s)
- Trustee or fiduciary contact person and email
- Month(s) and frequency of annual visit(s)
Reach out to your NCA Business Development Representative or!
We look forward to helping you manage annual required visits for your special needs clients!