COVID-19 Update – March 30, 2020

In this fast changing, fluid environment, our team at NCA thought it important to share what we are seeing on the ground helping our clients with special needs across the country. We’ll be providing periodic updates and blog posts throughout the crisis to keep our clients and their representatives informed of developments, challenges and solutions that our special needs clients are experiencing.
News From The Field
- Eleven states and the District of Columbia have opened insurance enrollment under the Affordable Care Act for individuals affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The Federal Government is considering creating a special enrollment period for the remaining 32 state insurance markets that it manages.
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced several new waivers that can provide relief to individuals with special needs, specifically related to durable medical equipment replacements, skilled nursing facility stays and telemedicine visits.
- CMS has also approved several state specific waivers that will be helpful to our clients, including extensions of existing authorization for services through the crisis, suspension of prior authorization requirements and reimbursement to providers for care delivered in alternative settings.
- The rideshare company Lyft is supporting delivery of medical supplies, providing access to necessary medical transportation, and delivering meals, especially for low-income individuals, children and home-bound seniors.
- Amazon offers a 50% discount for Prime membership to individuals with an EBT (SNAP, TANF, WIC) or Medicaid card. Visit to apply.
How We’ve Been Helping
- Many providers are now offering telemedicine visits when appropriate. A parent recently called us in a panic worried that their medically vulnerable child was at risk of infection for an upcoming in-person doctor visit to refill essential medication, including a narcotic which requires a special prescription. We were able to contact the treating provider, schedule a telemedicine visit and accomplish the same goals without risk to the client.
- A significant adjustment needed to be made to a paid caregiver schedule due to the crisis. Our staff supported the family and negotiated with a home care agency to make sure that essential home care support was provided, within the scope of available personnel and resources.
- Our education consultant provided recommendations for activities and planning a daily routine to a caregiver for an adult client with special needs after his day program was cancelled.
- In these uncertain economic conditions, we are helping families create and modify Quality of Life Plans for their loved ones with special medical needs to ensure their vision for future care and quality of life can still be accomplished.
Economic Turbulence – Minimizing Risk for Trustees and Fiduciaries
During this time of crisis, it is more important than ever for trustees to be managing their fiduciary risk. Learn more about how to mitigate risk while still providing quality fiduciary services to your clients. Read more.