COVID-19 Update – March 23, 2020

In this fast changing, fluid environment, our team at NCA thought it important to share what we are seeing on the ground helping our clients with special needs across the country. We’ll be providing periodic updates and blog posts throughout the crisis to keep our clients and their representatives informed of developments, challenges and solutions that our special needs clients are experiencing.
News From The Field
- All local Social Security offices are closed to the public for in-person service as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020.
- Online services remain available at
- Local offices will also continue to provide critical services over the phone, but wait times are high.
- Medicaid is allowing increased orders of essential medications and supplies on a case by case basis. Case management advocacy is often required to get this accomplished.
- Medical supplies companies are currently facing and anticipating more shortages and price increases as the demand for products increases. One supplier is recommending their clients order 1-2 month of essential supplies in advance to ensure enough are on-hand.
- Many clients are experiencing increased stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19 crisis. We are providing significant emotional support by answer questions, providing factual education, and bring a trusted resource in these challenging times.
How We’ve Been Helping
- A client with mental health challenges was having difficulty prioritizing food over other purchases. Our staff assisted the parents of this client to develop a reasonable, flexible expenditure plan using a True Link card as well as proactively ordering essential healthy groceries to be delivered directly to the client’s apartment, as they were under a shelter in place order.
- Our staff assisted a client get back home from vacation early, collaborating with their apartment manager to ensure the client could get back into her senior living apartment, despite restricted access to this apartment community.
- A client had issues with Medicaid filling an extra month supply of medication. Our case manager advocated for the client and was able to get Medicaid to agree to pay for the increased supply.
- NCA continues to complete Special Needs Assessment visits “virtually” with our clients using technology, including FaceTime, Google Duo and other easy to use video conferencing services
Sheltering in Place with kids?
With many students out of school for the next several weeks or more, our education consultant team developed a list of free educational opportunities that parents and students alike can take advantage of while sheltering in place at home! Read more.